

I have always been a gal who likes the open floor plan.  That was one of the priorities in the new house, I wanted to have all the rooms living, dining, family, and kitchen without everything feeling so separated.  That isn't always so easy to find.  So one of the reasons we chose the house we did was how open it felt.  I will have my own official grown up living room to design.  Now if you have been in our DC apartment it is pretty grown up already.  When I say grown up, I mean type of furniture and how it is decorated.  Before we were even married when making furniture choices we decided to save and invest in pieces that would last several years.  I would rather go without and save for what I really want than buy something I don't like to save a few dollars.  

This space will evolve over time as I find the right pieces.  It will be slightly feminine and pretty (sorry babe) but not frou frou where you will not want to sit on the furniture.  I want it to feel comfortable and look tailored.  

Actual Space
(not the best photo, but I used my phone0

I really like the art and slipper chairs (sorry they are cut out)

Love all of it!
Love this chair and table lamp

This space reminded me of how our living room and dining room connect
I also really like the mirror, but the husband thinks I am crazy.

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